Gloucester Tree
Pemberton's historic Fire Lookout tree constructed in 1947 while the Duke of Gloucester was visiting town.
Hours: Daylight Hours subject to severe weather conditions
One of the 3 climbing trees located in the Southern Forests, the Gloucester Tree is Pemberton's most famous historical icon. Challenge yourself and climb 58 metres to the lookout cabin with beautiful views of forest and farmland through the canopy of the karri forest in Gloucester National Park. Several walk trails depart from the Gloucester Tree picnic area ranging from 400m to 10km. National Park entry fee applies, purchase at the tree or at the Pemberton Visitor Centre. Parking available for large vehicles and caravans. Karri forest wildflowers in season September-October.
From the main street of Pemberton turn into Ellis St, at the top of the hill veer left onto Kennedy St, past the DPaW office and veer right to follow Burma Rd past Pemberton District High School, continue on Burma Rd and enter the Gloucester Tree entry.